
Archive for December, 2010


welcome all and especially those coming in from Fireflies and Jellybeans! Have a look around, I hope you like what you see!!! don’t forget to enter the give-away!!!!


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5 and 8

yesterday we celebrated Yagel’s fifth birthday! I can’t believe I have been a mom for 5 years! insane! Here is the birthday boy at his birthday lunch with his imma and safta. That’s his safta!






We had pancakes (some of us had salad) and a sparkler on top! It was fun! He told everyone in earshot that he was 5… so cute! and don’t you just adore his crown! I made it! I used this tutorial and it turned out great! I initially made him a green one, but his sweet little monkey of a sister stole it…we actually started celebrating his birthday last week, when we all met at the Gymboree for playing and pizza and cake…its a dinosaur. stegosaurus, actually… hard to tell, i know…and these incredible cupcake were made by my friend Sidra, owner of Cupcake Caterers. Aren’t they insane!?!

her shirt says “sweety”. her imma made it 🙂

the kids had a great time… we are actually celebrating today as well… its like an Indian wedding. so much fun though…

I’m sure you are wondering what the 8 in the title is for. Or not. You may not care. Well, I’ll tell you anyway! I was nominated for a stylish blogger award!Thank you, Yafa! for nominating me! And now, I need to tell you 8 things you probably don’t know about me…

1. I am a single mom, have 2 kids, one 5 (duh) and one 35, ok, she’s actually 2 and 9  months, but don’t tell her

2. I live in Jerusalem. Have for the past 2.5 years, after living in the center of Israel for 9 years, for a grand total of 11.5 years in Israel.

3. I was a pre-school teacher in the States and really miss the little ones…

4.  I have a very hard time keeping my work area neat and clean. I am horrible at folding and putting away, to the point that my kids sit on the pile of fabric when they come in…

5. I really miss shopping in America. Big bookstores, Target, Old Navy, Starbucks…

6. I am addicted to fabric. I walk into a clothing store and envision how I would use the fabric for something else…

7. My blog reader has over  250 blogs in it. Yes, I follow them all… but the reader does all the hard work for me…

8. Ever since my kids were born, and during their pregnancies, I am never cold. I am finding, however, that my hands are cold… but not the rest of me… hooray for baby fat!

and now, I need to choose 8 blogs to nominate for the awards…

1. Creative Jewish Mom

2. Patch Andi

3. Chez Beeper Bebe

4. Drink it all, sometimes the poison’s on the bottom

5. From an igloo

6. Launder Fold Repeat

7. Living with Punks

8. Lollychops

I am leaving the discovering up to you! Enjoy finding some new bloggy goodness!!! I’m glad I did!!!

Have a great day! MWAH!!!!!

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Its been a while. I know… that seems to be my standard opening line… life just keeps getting inthe way of recording it… does that make sense?

I have just completed a month of craft fairs. one a week. I am bushed. so tired… I need a break from the real world. Time to concentrate on thevirtual world for a while…working on my etsy shop (not up yet), am featured over at fireflies and jellybeans, and working on a give-away for them!! soon!!!

I have made a bunch of onesies that will be listed in the shop real soon, but here they are!!!for those of you who don’t read Hebrew, they say price, princess, angel and tfu tfu tfu… the image is on the front and the words on the back. They are available in sizes 3,6,9,12, 18 and 24 months. Since they are custom ordered, they will take about a week to be shipped out. Aren’t they darling? I love them. wish I had someone small to put them on…. they were all done with freezer paper stenciling. very time consuming… I really wanna learn how to silk screen. Looks like so much fun!!!

Last weekend, I took my kids to a beautiful park near Netanya called Utopia. Its on a kibbutz, and its basically a tropical rain-forest, with orchids and other plants, as well as exotic chickens, a maze, a butterfly enclosure, ducks, koi fish and turtles. The kids had a great time. too bad the butterflies were already hibernating, even though it was 30 degrees Celsius there…

Yagel and I also discovered the joy of Mod Podge one day. We made a tissue paper and Mod Podge Chanukia for Chanuka. So much fun! I can’t decide who enjoyed it more… it may have been me! I had so much fun, we even decoupaged the coffee jar!

Alright! Off to finish cleaning up and sorting through the toys before the kids get home from their dad’s.

Have a lovely weekend!


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Happy Chanuka!!

wishing everyone a lovely and festive holiday! what ever you celebrate!

Will update a bit more on the goings on in a few days…


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